The bioremediation technology entails the release of micro- oxygenated bubbles into the base of the water body. This enables the infusion of these micro-oxygenated bubbles into the organic mass thereby lifting it back into suspension on the surface. While in suspension this mass is digested in situ with aerobic bacteria. The inorganic mass is therefore released and is taken out of suspension to settle on the base. This is NOT a FLOCULATION process and works exactly the opposite. Due to the infusion of the pure oxygen, not air, eutrophication is prevented, and remediation is achieved.
This process has been proven with independent bodies in the following areas. Pipeline rehabilitation, oil spillage, dairy waste, industrial waste, oil spillage into waterways, abattoirs, fisheries, koi farms acid mine drainage and sewage waste.
This solves the problem of the flocculated mass, where the organic matter settles out of the water body as a compacted mass at the base.
The ultimate result is eutrophication and the collapse of the water bodies with all the aquatic life therein.
The latest developments include the simultaneous processing of Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) and toxic chemicals with a “Half Life” enabling the dispersion of the chemical gasses while separation or digesting the heavy metals remaining by taking them out of suspension.
What is the value proposition?
This is quite dramatic as the value lies in multiple forums.
- Reduces recapitalization by an estimated 70%
- Maintenance costs substantially less than conventional WWTWs.
- No sludge to deal with as this is digested in the process.
- Does not require electricity to be effective.
- Totally natural and safe to handle.
What is its impact potential for the water sector?
- Reduces E.coli and coliforms.
- Re-oxygenates collapsed water bodies.
- Totally reduces odours within 24 hours.
- Organic matter digestion. (Convert to H2O)
The innovation comes with the combination of the ability to oxygenate the water but more importantly the specific targeting of the organic materials with specific bacillus. This is achieved through water analysis in order to apply the correct organic components applicable to the challenge.
Description A granular bacteria blend specifically engineered to bio-remediate a broad spectrum of hydrocarbons and related by-products and reduce chlorides and salinity.
Reduces hydrogen sulphide odours, prevents corrosion, and initiates aerobic biological breakdown of organic sludge. Successfully degrades hydrocarbons, including gasoline and diesel fuels, Sulphur based compounds, various solvents, ketones, alcohols, phthalates, refinery wastes and will also mitigate harmful PAH’s
Intended for use all in municipal & industrial waste water environments, refinery applications, various tank systems, aquaculture ponds/lakes/lagoons, car wash systems, sludge ponds, soil contamination areas, marine waste systems, waste lines, flow-back waste areas, frack ponds and other O&G operation applications.
Product Features Non-toxic, environmentally safe Easy to use, >5 billion CFU, non-pathogenic aerobic bacteria. High concentration of bacteria & components to oxygenate and mitigate wastewater
Safe for all waste & water systems, equipment & applications Physical Appearance 4.00” x 6.00″ 250g tablets, or water-soluble granular product. Colour, Blue/Black or white in composition.
Non-pathogenic bacteria spores, oxygen generating compounds, buffers, nutrients, sodium bicarbonate, citric acid Specifications Multi strain, >5 billion per gram bacteria strains: low, yeast-like particles infused.
Solubility in water: moderate pH: 6.5-8.5 Handling & Storage Store in cool dry place.