Company Background
Turncard Trading 111 (PTY)Ltd (TT) now Eco Tabs Gauteng (PTY)Ltd (ETG) was established in 2009 for the express purpose of the remediation of water bodies.
This process developed from mechanical remediation of sludge removal at the New Vaal Colliery, for which the company TT received the top project of the year award, to Hyacinth removal and then the Bioremediation of sludge in multiple water bodies.
The challenge of water hyacinth removal in 2010 led to the realization for the necessity for the rehabilitation and removal of organics in the water bodies. TT in successfully removing the Hyacinth mechanically covering the Kleinfontein and Middle Dams in Benoni, exposed this challenge and so sort solutions.
Mr. Rodney Genricks was approached by a Mr. Shaun 0’Regan with a product recently developed in the United States called Eco Tabs that fitted the profile required to desludge the base of the dam where the causes of the diseases develop and flourish.
Eco Tabs Africa (ETA) was subsequently established, Turncard Trading evolved into Eco Tabs Gauteng (ETG) and so the process of the development of the biological products and protocols began.
Due to the dynamics of the protocol whereby oxygen and class 1 bacteria would be infused, a total research process had to be undertaken.
The first large project undertaken was the remediation of the Blue Dam in Johannesburg that was filmed for 50/50 in 2011. This was an incredible success with all parameters achieved, leading to a multiple of dam and waterway remediations for JHB Water.
ETG undertook the research and development of the product while ETA undertook the marketing of the product.
Due to a dispute between the producers of the Bioremediation product Eco Tabs and Envirotabs, Eco Tabs Gauteng (ETG) chose to support Enviro Tabs through Bioremediation Specialists (PTY) Ltd (BRS) with all the technology.
All research therefore remains the property of ETG and the sole Director Rodney Genricks who is also the sole director of BRS.